Simplex IDNAC Upgrade - This linked will be deleted after 31st Dec 2024


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Simplex Truealert Upgrade Video Guide
12thMay 29th August 2024
To all,
We need your kind co operation to perform the required IDNAC Upgrade as it affect  firmware issue with Simplex  TrueAlert ES Addressable Notification Appliances that could cause them to not sound or strobe during an alarm.

This issue affects devices manufactured between January 19, 2021, and August 18, 20221.

The problem can be resolved with a firmware update through the fire alarm control panel.
Subsequently after upgrade do a test to check for impacted appliances that do not recover after the update and do a replacement.

Note that we do have stocks for this purpose but will be base on first come first serve and therefore we urge with urgently to do this upgrade asap and put this issue behind for the factory and your company to avoid long term liability.

Here is the Video link on how the programming is done and depends on the quantities of appliances on the loop, it could take between 15 to 20 minutes for the upgrade and you need to allocate time to do the panel front check as well as do a sampling test on devices to make sure all are functioning properly.

Your kind co operation is needed

We extend our apology for the inconvenience caused and need your kind understanding that the early you resolve this you can put away unforesee issues going forward in future and focus on new Opportunities.
IDNAC Upgrade Video